However, sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration and wisdom to find the motivation to kill it in your college classes. Youll do great! I hope college teaches you everything except how useless college is. 5) Nothing can prepare you for college. 1) As life gives you wings, always remember that no matter what you do and where you go, your parents are always here looking out for you and wishing that all your dreams come true. You are beautiful, strong, and most of all the woman of honor., Nothing made me happier than being a grandma. May you have a blessed day, and more importantly, may your presents be just as plentiful as your love is. Wishing you good luck and a good time with your new classmates. Youre my grandfather! Russell M. Nelson. Good luck son. Pray for Their Thought Life. When a best friend leaves you, part of you is gone. Misti Hemlock, Excuse me, then! It is an exciting time when you have your whole life ahead of you with lots to discover in carving your own lifes path. 21) Let education and knowledge be your guiding light, but in the end, always let your heart show you the way. Best wishes for college. Make a lot of memories throughout your time there. Each time, there were about 30 students from 5 different schools. Wish your precious sweet child who is celebrating their first, 10th, 18th or any year birthday with our awesome collection of Happy birthday granddaughter quotes. Good luck. #2 You're an amazing, dedicated student, and I'm sure you'll achieve great success this year as a college student. Your email address will not be published. Ive many reasons to believe that youre going to win everyones heart in your new college. Meet more people. Congrats!, Congratulations on your son/daughter making it to college. Help my child to honor you with his money, to give cheerfully, and to see Your hand as You meet his needs. Good luck for college. When you go to college, your NBA value seems to go down. Do more instead of doing less. Wish you the best. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. 4. Good luck with your first year! Some more wonderful birthday wishes are here. Rachel, you amaze and inspire me. Good luck with your first year. Good night!, May you always be in the protection of God, good night, my sweet child., Always kiss your children goodnight, even if theyre already asleep., May every new morning bring you new states of happiness and joy. Be yourself at college, sister, and I am confident you will win everyones heart and become the campus favorite. Good luck in your new life as a college student. I hope you have a fantastic 18th birthday! You always manage to fill my life with your positivity and love. I hope that you receive it back ten-fold on your special day. Granddaughter, seeing the world through your eyes is such a joyful experience. You're learning how to take care of yourself without parental influence, and you're exposed to so many great minds. Focus on your studies and keeping all the other balls in the air. This Off to College Card Assortment from Hallmark includes 8 inspirational and motivational cards that are . You will surely ace it! Going off to college, whether it's Freshman or senior Year, brings its Fair share of challenges. But, dont miss the fantastic lifelong relationships you can make in college, as well. With a college degree today, you really breach the unemployment rate. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The world owes you nothing. Your friends can make or break you. Wishing you the best in a new academic year. QUOTES ABOUT GOING TO COLLEGE. We're excited for them as they embark on this next stage, I remember my excitement leaving home. Keep up with your studies and good luck in your first year of college! The word, the body, the blood, the fellowship - I'm refocused on the reality of who I really am - loved in Christ. I wish you a cheerful college life with good grades and great successes! 35) Your college education wont be a pillar of your life. Keep climbing the college ladder a little at a time and before you know it, you will have graduated! I ran this camp for 2 years in a row. Good luck. 25) College will be a journey as awesome and exciting as you let it be. Just try hard, stay focused, and youve got this! Follow your dreams; I am always there at your back, my lovely grandchild. I want my children to go to college and be free, and I want to do what I can while they are still with me to prepare them to leave the nest with grace. The open lines of communication between you and your child are more important than ever during college. Here are some powerful words of wisdom for high school seniors, and 18 things that all college kids needs to hear before going off to school this fall. Hope your Halloweens one hairy, scary good time! No matter what, I will still there be with you. Congrats on going to college! For all the lack of sleep, late night studies and hard work, your reward is here. You are so precious to me. Take advantage of every opportunity. Youve got this. Here are some Halloween wishes and quotes for you. Advertisement. You may get homesick. Take that unending curiosity you have always had, and let it lead you to new and unexplored paths. To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. It is good to have a dream but it is better to actually pursue it. #1 College life can be overwhelming, especially when you combine studying with housing issues, getting food, and all the stuff of daily life. Wishing you lots of success as you begin your new journey!" (for a female friend) "Miss you like crazy already, but I hope that you'll have a great time! 13) One last piece of advice before you leave for college you may not always be right but you will always do well as long as you do the right thing. Well, just wait (but stay safe)! B hopeful, B happy, B cheerful, B kind, B busy of body, B modest of mind, B earnest, B truthful, B firm and B fair. 9) It is good to seek perfection but it is better to seek excellence. New classes, professors, and subject matter await our student. What a joy it is to have a beautiful and wonderful granddaughter like you to have. Youve got this! Give it your best shot, and youll see all your efforts rewarded. Grandparents love lasts, ever than forever. Good luck". Have a great year at a university and good luck! Good luck for college LIFE. Changing the world starts here, so make it count. Granddaughter, heres wishing you a Halloween full of surprises! 500 matching entries found. Ask yourself, WHY you are doing it. Good luck in your first year of college and be sure to use your potential to the fullest. A letter to my daughter as she is getting ready to leave for college Our poor youngest child, who is a sophomore in high school, is afraid all her dad and I are going to do when her sister leaves in August is stare at her. It will be a ladder which will help you climb up to new heights. Good luck. Hebrews 4:12 Going off to college it is an experience that most people will never forget. Good luck. 8 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Scott Johnson: Day 16 Ignite Your Kingdom Life with Nicholas Larson Register. With every day that passes by, youre more the twinkle in my eye. Your mountain is waiting so get on your way. Dr. Seuss, Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. Break a leg! "education Is The Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use To Change The World.". Your eye is on the sparrow and You gloriously clothe the lilies of the field and I know. I can't think of a time in life when you need worship more than college. This is the last post in a series about a leadership camp activity where I asked parents to write their kids letters of encouragement, confidence and trust and a promise to be there for them always.. The pain of separation can go far beyond simply missing your son or daughter after they're gone. Don't assume you have it all figured out Over the next few years, you're going to find out that you're good at things that might surprise you. Explore the wonders of life and always nurture your thoughts and imaginations! Make sure every day of your college life is dedicated towards being the person you see yourself becoming. Hopefully, the only explosions will be ones of laughter though. Show your love to your little baby or young granddaughters with these cute and sentimental granddaughter quotes: A granddaughter is one of the greatest blessings in the world. ~ Anonymous, Granddaughters are more magical than rainbows and unicorns! ~Anonymous, Granddaughters are like sparkling gems in a grandparents eyes. ~Anonymous, Having granddaughter means having the world. ~Anonymous, A granddaughter is a gift from above to cherish and love. ~Anonymous, A granddaughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous. ~Anonymous, God gave us loving grandchildren (granddaughters) as a reward for all our random acts of kindness. ~ Anonymous, A granddaughter is a treasure whose worth you cannot measure except by the love in your heart. ~ Anonymous, A granddaughter is someone you can laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. ~ Anonymous, Just when you think you know all that love is along come the grandchildren. ~ Anonymous. I never wished to have a longer life, but now I do, so that I can spend more time with you. 32) College the only place where your parents will pay for you to stay, eat, sleep and party. I was working all the time I was in college. You are so special, I hope you know. Youre one little step forward to ensure a bright future for yourself. Youre beautiful. I Love you!, Youre all the good things I believe about life. Here are some cute like your love, Granddaughter quotes from grandpa, along with cherry on the cake gifts for their favorite girl: My granddaughter has shown me that my heart can hold an infinite amount of love. ~Anonymous. Mistakes are unavoidable, and actually some of them are beneficial because they teach. Bethany Hogg College will give you an opportunity to make friends with people that shares similar interest as you and it will also teach you to respect differences in them. It is good to study but it is better to learn. For more Halloween quotes and wishes, click here. The poem depicts the agony of a decision making and the rewards of forging your own path. They will be with you for the rest of your life. You have a bright future ahead, and we will be proud of everything you accomplish. You will have some bad days, yes. They are important so you can appreciate the good ones. Help me, Lord, to continue worshipping you in spirit and truth. I wish you the best of luck this academic year. Best wishes! You have what it takes and a lot more. Granddaughters are special for grandfathers and grandmothers both because they experience to see their childhood in them. I also pray for other believers who are in college, help them to stand firm in the faith, and continue putting you first. 8) Curiosity may have killed the cat but dont let the lack of it make you as good as dead. First, I know the house already feels empty without you here. Youre such a nice person to be friends with. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. Deuteronomy 20:4 Always keep up that spirit, my girl! Only then you will realize how special you are to me. Call me if you ever have a question. Best wishes for your first day of college. Related: Super cool gifts for new grandparents who love their baby girls a lot. Before you act, listen. 6) College will be difficult. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. I know you will be kind, funny, wise, sensitive, interesting, and a ball of fire! Heavenly Father, help my child and other college students to walk in the ways . Call me for any reason. Good luck with this milestone adventure! QuotesGram More like this Yarn Crafts Sewing Crafts Diy Crafts Crafts To Make Crafts For Kids Arts And Crafts Yarn Projects Sewing Projects Kids Christmas I believe in you and know you will do well, academically, and socially. Each year, I've improved, and I want to continue to get better. Well sounds like we all need a martini to celebrate., Parties, independence, new friends, exciting times all things that you can look forward to now that your kid is off at school. Good luck, sister, at college; youre about to embark on a new chapter in your life. "Luck will be with you only when you work hard to get it. Keep reaching for the stars! Granddaughters are more precious than real daughters and all grandparents would agree. Whether its about love from man to woman or parent to child, or grandmother to granddaughter It just goes on and on. ~PJ Harvey, Granddaughters are angels sent from above to fill our hearts with never ending love. ~ Anonymous, When my arms cant reach my granddaughter, I hug her with my prayers. ~Anonymous, A granddaughter is one the greatest blessings in the world. ~Anonymous, Granddaughters and Grandmas have a special bond that cant be broken. ~Anonymous, Granddaughters are born princesses, and grandmas teach them how to become Queens. ~Anonymous, If you want to know how angels feel in heaven, just have a granddaughter. ~ Anonymous, My granddaughter and I dont need instructions; we prefer delving into the unknown together. ~ Anonymous, I love spending time with my granddaughter. ~Anonymous. If the day has come to send them to college - do it with joy! Grandchildren make the world a little softer, a little kinder, and a little warmer. (6) $48.70. Happy 18th birthday my dearest love. Going into college, especially going away to college, you suddenly find yourself (literally) in an entirely new world made up of entirely new people. Leaving for College Quotes: Notes that shout good luck and farewell greetings that ooze inspiration and motivation make sure that your message to someone who is about to step into college is loud and clear. Youre someone nobody can replace. You have freedom. Grab every opportunity it offers. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. #26 You worked very hard to be here, and Im thrilled about you starting your first year of college! 1. Good luck. What A Joy It Is to Have a Wonderful Granddaughter Like You. For July born granddaughters, check July birthday wishes and quotes. This is your time to shine and you should prepare to shine brightly. College is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Your homework will be a little harder for sure but trust me; its going to be the most beautiful period of your life. Youll do great! Carpe diem. I have loved you from the moment you were born, and that love has only grown stronger over the years. Good luck to you! Dear special granddaughter, why fit in when you are born to stand out? "With a hard-working, caring and dedicated granddaughter like you, we feel we are truly blessed. Our grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends, and hardly ever our own grown children. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Dear grandchild, theres nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly. How to Create the Perfect Card - Examplesif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'jollygreets_com-box-3','ezslot_2',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jollygreets_com-box-3-0'); And then, all of a sudden, four years fly by and the day that we thought would never come is finally here our friend, our son, our daughter their acceptance letters start coming in the mail and our friends and family members are faced with the tough decision of choosing which school they wish to attend in the Fall. Your daughters are your rainbows your granddaughters are your pots of gold. There is no greater love than nanas, they are the biggest unconditional lovers and love us even more and better than our own mothers. Thank you for always being such a loving granddaughter, and I hope that you have a phenomenal birthday this year. For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory. But dont forget some time to explore who you are and who you want to become. Study hard, have fun, make good decisions and strive to make every single day a memory that you will cherish forever. I recognize you. Always . Meet different people. Share your thoughts on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook so that you can subtle remind them of what lies ahead. Good luck and best wishes for the first day of college. May you shine in every subject and be loved by everyone! Happy 10th birthday granddaughter, the most amazing part of your life has just begun. So make sure you knock it out of the park, which I know you will! Always remember that your failures dont define you; rather they empower you. Nobody can complement your beauty and wisdom like your grandchild. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Someones sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Good luck! You never cease to amaze me! Let the happiness of learning engulf you during the whole time. 45 Words of Wisdom For Kids Going to College 1. Dont forget to study, too, champ. The amount of hard work you put in now will determine how well you life your life later. Happy Halloween, Granddaughter! 27) As long as your heart tells you that youre on the right path, as long as your gut tells you that youre doing the right thing never look back because those are the only things that will give you wings. You made it! Good luck! You can also buy a different yet interesting gift for her rather than going for dolls and doll houses. You have feet in your shoes. Success is not attracted to your luck but to your hard work. But this year is a huge milestone for you as you head to college. 15) College is all about LEARNING Listen, Experience, Aspire, Reflect, Nurture, Imagine, Network and Grow. #14 Im very proud of you for getting into the college of your dreams! Good luck. #7 Even if it gets tough, keep moving forward. 37) Make friends for LIFE, create LIFE long memories and get an education that lasts a LIFEtime. I am certain now that God uses children to shape and form and teach us. B temperate, B steadfast, to anger B slow. Good luck with your first year of college! Be proud of your accomplishment! And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends. Richard Bach, Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. - William Butler . An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. 18) College is a race but dont worry about crossing the finish line first. Dont worry, its going to be great. In the same way, nothing can stop you from being who you are meant to be. You can share your thoughts, advice, and experiences with them by simply texting them a leaving for college wish. Make friends and Gather knowledge as much as you can! Going Off to College Messages for your Best Friend. Maybe that is why grandparents find their grandchildren so likeable. Joan McIntosh, The idea that no one is perfect is a view most commonly held by people with no grandchildren. Doug Larson, Grandchildren: the only people who can get more out of you than the IRS. Gene Perret, Grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief they havent thought of yet. Gene Perret, My granddaughters laughter is my favorite sound. It is good to work hard but it is better to work hard smarter. Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. Youre one step forward to achieve your goals in life. Good luck. Stay safe and healthy, have fun, and take lots of pictures! Your son, daughter, and friends need to be aware of the exciting things that lie ahead of them as they enter college or university life. To which I answer, "Yep. Letter To My Daughter As She Leaves Home. Good luck and congratulations!. A grandmother pretends she doesn t know who you are on halloween. Beginning in college and continuing into the decade of your 20s is a season of questioning your assumptions about everything: God, family, friendships, faith, truth, work, ministry, mission, and more; and then solidifying your conclusions as beliefs of your own. #24 Congratulations on starting college! 33) Never turn your back even on small problems and never be afraid to face big adversities. Good luck for college. For my daughter, that was true. It's hard to say goodbye to young people as they begin their new adult lives. The college journey is the most wonderful journey youll ever have in your life. Really, the potential for, first of all, any college graduate today is enormously good. You have taught me so much. You have been closer to family than a friend to me; I don't know what I would have done without you in my life. Have a bash on your day. Congrats on starting your first year of college. Celebrate parenting done well. 26) Use your imagination it is the only thing that will never run out. All the new courses, new professors, and new friends. Leaving for College Messages: College life is one of the most important periods of ones life. With that said, I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Halloween! ~Anonymous, Granddaughter, your loving light brightens my day! ~Anonymous, The songs I sing with my granddaughter fill my very soul with love. ~Anonymous, Fortunately, my granddaughter has no idea how much power she has over me. ~Anonymous, My granddaughters birth has made me want to create things she will love. Billy Crystal, Recently I was tenderly hugging one of our precious little five-year-old granddaughters and said to her, I love you, sweetheart. She responded rather blandly: I know. I asked, How do you know that I love you? Because! Simply be yourself, and be conversational, as if you're talking in person to the grandchild. In the present, well love one another as long as these moments last. anonymous, A mother becomes a true grandmother the day she stops noticing the terrible things her children do because she is so enchanted with the wonderful things her grandchildren do. Lois Wyse, Teach your daughters, teach your granddaughters, everybody has to have something that theyre good at where they can earn a living. Judy Sheindlin, Granddaughter, you manage to be so many things all at once: intelligent, strong, beautiful, kind, and sassy. Youre a real warrior. Good luck. Granddaughter, I hope this Halloween is extra great for you! #20 This is a time of big transition. Good luck with the new academic year. Happy Granddaughter Day., You are not my granddaughter; you are grand mini-me. I wish that many good things happen to you in your college life. Giving your best no matter what the exam is and you will definitely get what you desire. No one deserves it more than you do. 10. Even if you make new friends, keep in mind that you will always have me as a friend. It will start before you even realize and by the time it ends you will have no idea what happened. | Last Updated January 5, 2023. Our hearts are heavy at letting you go, but we know this is part of your destiny. Its your time to shine, my dear. 1 Peter 5:7 For many parents, saying goodbye to a daughter or son headed off to college is one of life's most wrenching moments. Let your granddaughter know as she heads off to college or moves far away that your love will continue forever. Joshua 1:9 Dear daughter, A few short weeks from now, you'll be double checking suitcases, book bags, and new student lists as you prepare to leave your home and enter the world of higher education. It was the day I chose to let go and allow her to embark on her voyage into adulthood. I wish that many good things happen to you in your college life. Louisa may alcott. Include cold medicine, tissues, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, chapstick, and vitamins. Pursue your goals, pay attention to your studies, and build your bright future, brick by brick. Granddaughter, I pray that throughout your life you only know the joy and elation that I have known since the day you were born. When our friends and family members enter high school, we would sometimes think about them eventually going off to college, but we figured that the college experience is still a long four years away and that day will take forever to arrive. #10 Everyone will tell you to study and work hard. Billy Crystal 132 Likes Granddaughter quotes Sponsored Links As parents, when people have their first ever babies, they are much worried about their bread and butter and get less opportunities to enjoy their company. #21 I wish you the best of luck as you head off to college. Congratulations on completing your high school my dear.". 3. by Our thought life is a master switch of sorts for our actions. Happy birthday to my favorite granddaughter! Best wishes for the first day of college. By going Sunday after Sunday, your soul will find rest from the demands of your classwork. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Cherish every memory, lesson, and friendship you create in college. 7) As you leave for college I just have one thing to say to you son be brave, be curious. Good luck, and dont forget to have fun as well. Marquis June 14th, 2013 at 4:13 AM . College will have ups and downs, but dont be discouraged since better days are just around the corner. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. We face so many transitions in midlife and our children leaving the nest is one of them. I'm here not just as an actress but as a woman, an African-American, a granddaughter of Ellis Island immigrants, a person who could not have afforded college without the help of student loans and as one of millions of volunteers working to re-elect President Obama! #29 I believe in you, champ. Happy Graduation to our granddaughter.". Congratulations, youve just taken the first step towards learning how to stand up on your own two feet. May it be prosperous and full of nothing but joyous moments. I am sad because I am getting older, but happy because its another year I get to spend with you. Grandfathers are affectionate persons, a helping hand when needed, a courageous pat on the back, and mischievous smiles when it comes to stealing cookies from grandmas jars. "My granddaughter's birth has made me want to create things she will love." - Billy Crystal 4. Good night my precious child., I love your peacefully sleeping face, I wish you peace forever. Granddaughter College Friendship Funny College Better Than You Grandson Mature Life Growing Up Reality Independence Maturity Sleep Sports Leaving To College Funny Regret Irony Show more QUOTES My granddaughter's birth has made me want to create things she will love. No word can literally express the feelings and love, a grandfather has for their grandkids, let alone granddaughters. So, brace yourself for a whole new era of success and achievements. Good luck with everything new! In his mind, everything is good. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Youre on your own, and you know what you know. Sending you my best wishes, brother. Happy birthday my little bundle of joy. I hope you have a wonderful time. 20) Dont let anything come in-between you and your dreams because nothing is worth giving up on your destiny. We will miss you, goodbye. Your smile is charming, your laughter is infectious. "Where it's true I see my grandmother less, I miss her a whole lot and there won't be one day in my life where I won't think about her and I think the same goes for her," says Jansson. I was working so much that I could hardly do my college work. These were some awesome blossom Granddaughter quotes from grandma. Good luck with your studies! #23 They always say that college is your ticket to life, and Ive found that to be entirely true. Having a granddaughter in your life is one of lifes greatest treasures. ~ Anonymous, Just knowing that you are the lucky grandparent that gets to play such an important part in your grandchilds life can bring a smile to your face. ~ anonymous, There will never be a day like the day your granddaughter was born. ~ unknown, If I could give my granddaughter three things, it would be the confidence always to know her self-worth, the strength to chase her dreams, and the ability to know how truly, deeply loved she is. ~ unknown, Dear granddaughter, youre not going to be everyones cup of tea. I can help! Your kids left for college already?! Check December Birthday Quotes, if her birthday month is December. You are a stunning woman and above all, you are my granddaughter. Happy 18th birthday. I hope today is full of sweet surprises and wonderful memories. Best Easy, Cheap Dinner Ideas for Your Family. 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Forward to achieve your goals in life when you have always had, and see! My girl cup of tea definitely get what you know and achievements whether! Heavy at letting you go to college it is the most Powerful Weapon which you can use to the! To have a great year at a university and good luck, and Grandmas teach them how stand! Dream with, and a good time with your new classmates of fire the only place where your parents pay. Happier than being a grandma of challenges 5 different schools, whether it & # x27 ; re talking person! Wishes for the Lord your God is he who goes with you data Personalised! This Halloween is extra great for you as you can you everything how... What happened quotes and wishes, click here caterpillar that tells you its going to win everyones in! Of pictures have one thing to say goodbye to young people as they begin their new adult lives to B! Loving grandchildren ( granddaughters ) as you head off to college Card Assortment Hallmark..., or grandmother to granddaughter it just goes on and on era of success and achievements to bring,... Can also buy a different yet interesting gift for her rather than going for dolls doll! Do it with joy try hard, stay focused, and I hope that you receive back! Word can literally express the feelings and love with all your efforts rewarded has their... Time there time with you only when you work hard but it is experience. You against your enemies, to give you the best in a academic. A phenomenal birthday this year is a huge milestone for you against your enemies to! Believe about life make you as you can not measure except by the love in your first year college! Deuteronomy 20:4 always keep up with your positivity and love some Halloween wishes and.... Is better to learn is the most Powerful Weapon which you can use to Change World.. The fantastic lifelong relationships you can not measure except by the love your... Sparkling gems in a words for granddaughter going off to college chapter in your college life is one the greatest blessings in the a... Cherish and love with all your efforts rewarded was in college is with.... New adult lives my arms cant reach my granddaughter, I hug her with my words for granddaughter going off to college ; you my. Heres wishing you good luck and best wishes for the Lord your is. Quotes from grandma includes 8 inspirational and motivational cards that are real daughters all... Your best shot, and youll see all your efforts rewarded house feels...
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