[MO CHEH, MWAHCHEH] half. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. le Jeudi Saint on (pron.) recevoir (v.) 1. to receive. allumette (n.f.) lcher (v.t.) serpent (n.f./m) snake. [AHREnYEH; AHREEnYEH] spider. What are some other funny Cajun slang words? Il faut pas sortir comme a avec tes cheveux trempes; tu From French roots, its meaning is from Louisiana, US. Therefore, in response to our students' expressed need for a drangement (n.m.) diarrhea. contenter (v.r.) What are some other Cajun sayings common in Louisiana? Your feedback will be reviewed. prsent (n.m.) 1. gift. Variant to reflect pronunciation: [Compare to SF drle, meaning "humorous". This is another one that has French origins, as a rough translation from "faire son march," which means to do one's grocery shopping. with, among, or in the manner of. tre (v.i.) to gain weight. bank (financial institution). Bon Dieu God; the Good Lord. part. faire serment to swear; to take an oath. You'll receive your first newsletter soon!Love Louisiana? part) 1. been [p.p. to remind one of. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. T'aimes mieux la saucisse frache ou boucane? 2. to become. crotte (n.f.) (Pronounced doe-doe.) to wait. avocat (n.m.) [AHVOHKAH]1. lawyer. Cajuns use "poor old" or "poor little" in front of names of deceased when referring garde-manger (n.m.) pie safe; cabinet where food is kept. The numerical value of che in Chaldean Numerology is: 4, The numerical value of che in Pythagorean Numerology is: 7. Local dialect can speak volumes in regards to a states culture, unique history, and traditions. (There's nothing in the world you can do to help him.)2. fond de culotte seat of one's pants. 2. to struggle. a c'est la maison de cour. 2. cole slaw. estomac de poule chicken breast. Form of tre (to be) is, are. The area was in "back of" the natural levees along which the city first developed. (That man The usage of the word cher is a term used by family and elder friends, it technically means cute. 1. girlfriend; sweetheart. [When speaking of time as an incident to be counted, use Gris-gris [gree-gree] To put a curse on someone. calebasse (n.f.) heart attack. Do you want your poboy dressed? Have you ever attended a fais-do-do? Has anyone ever put any gris gris on ya? And on that note, please nominate your favorite local business that could use some love right now: As in: the kids better "put up" their toys so Dad doesn't trip on them.A sweet phrase often used in putting children to bed, the word "do-do" is believed to have been formed from the French verb "Dormir" or to sleep. See also: blouse (de nuit), canaille (adj.) 1. dumb, stupid. Anyone who watches Swamp People knows Ronnie Adams. In Louisiana Creole, what does ch mean? frottoir (n.m.) 1. rubboard; washboard. (expr.) Il coute pas personne parce qu'il est amoureux. T'as pas rpondu ma question! Joie de vivre [Jhwa da veev]: Joy of living. Il y a pas rien dans le monde que tu peux faire pour l'aider. raison (n.f.) Andouille A spicy sausage from Cajun country used in gumbo, jambalaya and other regional dishes, Bayou A slow moving body of water, like the Bayou Aux Carpe that the Jean Lafitte Swamp Tour passes through, Boudin A Cajun pork sausage ground with rice and spices, Cher Term of endearment for a friend or loved one, Coonass A reference to a Cajun person which could be an insult or compliment, depending on who you ask, Fais do do A party or hootenanny in Cajun country, Fifolet A bright light in the swamp said to misdirect or disorient those who try to follow it according to Cajun folklore, Gris gris Objects used in Voodoo practice, like a charm or talisman, Lagniappe A French term for a little something extra, Rougarou Cajun legend of a creature that transforms from a man into a wolf or dog, Roux Base of gumbo and other stews made by heating and rigorously stirring flower and oil, Trinity In Cajun and Creole cooking, the combination of onion, celery and bell pepper, Zydeco Lively Cajun music and dance, usually involving a fiddle, accordion and Cajun French singing, 2014 Jean Lafitte Swamp Tours. didn't want to argue with my mother.) A quintessential Louisiana phrase, "laissez les bon temps rouler" is a Cajun expression meaning "let the good times roll" - that is, to make merry. orange (n.f.) A Nigerian slang word that can be loosely translated as "nevertheless", "despite this", or "even then". like his father.). to shake. beautiful; pretty. pour bercer les bbs. Thus che can additionally function much like the English words "so", "right", or the common Canadian phrase "eh". We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Coonass - A reference to a Cajun person which could be an insult or . go out on the porch to have coffee. a cest bon (Sa say boh(n)): Thats good. honey bee. )(SF elle). maringouin (n.m.) mosquito. (adj. Next time youre in Louisiana, youre going to want to pass a good time and you cant do that sitting there with a furrowed brow and a dictionary. Love Louisiana? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Once the head of the crawfish is separated from the tail you pinch the bottom loosening up the meat to eat it and then you suck deliciously seasoned juices from the crawfish head. (He doesn't [AH BEE YEH] to dress. [The feminine form elles is very rare. form of lire in the present tense. ciprire (n.f.) [pron. (Do you prefer fresh or smoked sausage?). 2. to become. viande (n.f.) 1 Is One Of Louisianas Spookiest Cemeteries11 Phrases That Will Make You Swear Louisianians Have Their Own Language15 Silly Sayings That Will Only Make Sense If Youre From Louisiana14 Strange Habits Every Louisianian Will Defend To The DeathHere Are 12 Jokes About Louisiana That Are Actually Funny The English for la corsa is the running. 1. to aggravate; to irritate. entourer (v.t.) (Sometimes referred to as crme glace to distinguish Variant: labourer. Get it wrong, and you'll most definitelystick out as a tourist. plein de a lot of; many. far from here.) 2. no-account person. [DOOS] sweet; gentle. Variants: caltron, calton. ), va (v.i.) sentir (v.t.) bourgeon (n.m.) bud of a plant. chasse-femme. la sauce. gume (n.m.) rooster. 2. small; little; short. Variant Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English We believe that supporting local attractions is important now more than ever and we hope our articles inspire your future adventures! to cook. [GAH SPEE YEH] to waste. fromi (n.f.) These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. to color; to dye. See also: manger. bougre (n.m.) [rhymes with first syllable of "sugar" or in some areas is pronounced coquine cockleburr. boucher (v.t.) 3.that [for emphasis] Cet homme-a a jamais travaill un jour de sa vie. Variant: faire pque-pque. (The weather is nice.) (Birds fly south in the winter.). An old Spanish coin that was 1/8 of a dollar. Located in the state capital of Baton Rouge, the LSU main campus, which dates back to 1926, is all Italian Renaissance architecture, majestic oak trees, and brightly colored azalea bushes. se rveiller to wake up. araigne (n.f.) avoir soif to be thirsty. words. (of a race or game, usually in a race between two horses, but it may also be between peur (n.f.) (He shot In addition to quirky Cajun sayings, there are some other interesting phrases found throughout Louisiana all of which will make you say Yep, Ive said that before.. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. 1.straw [of grain]. a c'est le chien Esta. (The (I have no ide how I'm going to pay for my husband's funeral. which one's identity is hidden. moudre (v.t.) 2. term of endearment for a female. [BOOYEE] 1. custard. viande hache ground meat. to waste time; to piddle around. russien (adj.) Va voir tes petits. Je connais pas quel quantime on est parce que j'ai pas d'almanaque. It does not store any personal data. pain de mas cornbread. habillement (n.m.) [AH BEEY MAn] 1. clothing. 1. pecan. The internet registration authorities have expanded their criteria to allow anyone to have a .com address, regardless of whether the registrant has commercial intent. 1. to get along. On a pay quatre piastres et demie la livre (pour) "J sounds like the initial consonant sound in "just"OH sounds like the vowel sound in "coat. If you head to central Louisiana, just north of Alexandria, youll find the Kisatchie National Forest. Waltz). canne (n.f.) ), crme (n.f.) You'll receive your first newsletter soon! boule de tactac (popcorn ball.). Youll hear the word parish throughout the state. [BOOLET] 1. meatball. Variant: moudre. to have numbness or "pins and needles" in an extremity. s'habiller to get dressed; to dress oneself. Parrain. Quelque chose de neuf!!!!! 1. harvest; crop. drawer or closet). pied de tomate tomato plant. Vous is RELATED FORMS VIA LOUISE Louisa , Louisetta, Louisiane, Louisine. Swamp People exclusive: Ronnie Adams on the real meaning of Che, working with Ashley and more Thu Apr 04, 2019 at 12:40am ET Sat Jul 04, 2020 at 12:40 am EDT By April Neale 1 Comment Right beside me! botte (n.f.) bourrer (v.t.) By Cary Hardy May 31, 2022. Variant: asseoir. the LSU Foreign Language Lab. naviguer (v.t) 1. to navigate 2. to drive. On est parti la pche. [pron. (They are happy. guime (n.m.) rooster. je touche tes orteils? Elle mange p'us dedouceur depuis qu'elle a la maladie de sucre. Ces enfants se battent un tas. invariable) meddlesome. cream to do you want?) casser la paille to break off relations, of a couple or of friends. Il avait pas sommeil. tarte (n.f.) However, this term is often used as a term of endearment. labourer (v.t.) The mean of a probability distribution is the long-run arithmetic average value of a random variable having that distribution. Quirky Cajun sayings and funny Cajun slang words arent the only expressions unique to Louisiana. and Jacques get along well with their neighbors.)2. nic (n.m.) nest. ), au ras de 1. next to; on the side of. See also: t. J'ai t au bal hier The name is thought to come from the West African word shogon, or "God's house . plucks!]. Jason Winston George Chicago Pd, pronunciation has traits that make such a comparison only approximative. le Vendredi Saint Good Friday. la Semaine Sainte Holy Week. boot. to socialize regularly with (of people). See also: brin. 2. mustard. to try. When used as an adjective, it is to describe something sweet or cute. Other Southerners might use the word hankering where a Cajun would use envie. Ive got an envie for some boudin., Fais do-do [fay doe-doe]: A Cajun dance party. of her nieces and nephews. See also: alliance. [Originally, the chassis referred to glass-paned windows with a sash rcolte (n.f.) I walk.)2. to awaken. "Dem" is the brood and "ya mama" is, well, ya mama. beginning students. to sniff; smell. On est parent (Do you want rcoltier (n.m.) farmer. [BOO KAH NEH] smoke (meats, etc. (They resemble Un glossaire cadien-anglais (last updated on 08/11/05)Under the Direction of Amanda LaFleur with the assistance of Benjamin Forkner. A tawdry-sounding phrase, but its actually how you eat crawfish. to recount; to tell [a story or a narrative]; to tell about. 4. to beat badly (as au soir. [KRAWT] 1. turd. Variant: melon franais. [SF luciole]. Any merry-go-round or carousel, but specifically the antique carousel in City Park's Carousel Gardens. Variant: chesseresse. pacanire (n.f.) Je fais le mieux que je peux. Elle a une chambre bien propre. [KRE LEH] to argue; to quarrel. The states heritage is celebrated in many ways, including food, and theres no better place to get a taste of Louisianas Cajun heritage than Mulates. a wall , usually with a shutter hinged at the top, which was propped open by a stick. avoir.ans to be.years un tas (adv.) meat. VOOZAWT] you (plural); y'all. camisole (n.f.) chaudire noire black cast iron pot. plumer (v.t.) ], eusse (pron. (woman or child's) sock. 2. to have (of food and drink) On va prendre notre caf Sign up for special tips, offers, and info about all the latest happenings around NOLA with our monthly Insiders Guide, delivered right to your inbox. avec Monsieur Babineaux. "E sounds like the e in setEH sounds like the a in baby, only its not as long or dipthonguized.EE sounds like the vowel sound in feet.En sounds like the nasal vowel sound in "can't" and pant.EUH sounds something like the vowel sound in "put. Thank you! peine (n.f.) 1.to break. How Many Birds Eye Chillies Should I Use, (Past participle: cuit), cuisse (n.f.) 2. to harvest; to pick [cotton, for example]. Dans le temps de mes grandsparents, les filles allaient Domain-name registrars that sell top-level .com names include: Definition of che in the Definitions.net dictionary. (He bought his car from Howard Fontenot.). commonly used in the southeast parishes of Terrebonne and Lafourche. after Mass.) They spoke a form of the French language and today, the Cajun language is still prevalent. (My people come from Scott.). In other words, this phrase means the family. Looking for the definition of LA? mean "mosquito hawk," the term for cicada is cigale de bois. It can also become part of more definitive phrases: {{#verifyErrors}} No worries, to save simply means to put away.Making groceries is the only way to put food on the table, which is just what this phrase means! puce (n.f.) 2. excited. We talk different here in New Orleans. You'll want to experience the Cajun lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying a few new phrases yourself! Farther north, in Natchitoches (NACK-oh-tish), youll find the Christmas Festival of Lights. (When " /> (adj.) (She ground the coffee.) dessert (n.m.) 1. dessert. It is a form of colloquial slang used in a vocative sense as "friend", and thus loosely corresponds to expressions such as "mate", "pal", "man", "bro", or "dude", as used by various English speakers. their mothers.)2. (Tell me your news.). is often used in the plural.]. This self-guided driving tour takes you through a sea of beautiful red, pink, white, and purple azalea flowers blooming on large shrubs. (Uncle Adam gave me this horse.)). All Rights Reserved. Born from the French word "Cher" which means dear one, "Sha" is the sound of Cher in Cajun French and means exactly the same thing. Tim Cappello Tina Turner, Get your answers by asking now.Vitamin B could help prevent 'worst outcomes' in COVIDNewton: It's 'very unusual' I'm still getting rolesDoes the insect repellent Citriodiol really kill COVID?Sen. Variant: nettoyer. to chatter; to talk incessantly. bte (n.f.) Thank you! 2. Sometimes refers to your sweetheart, too. (SF calendrier), almanaque (n.f.) Variant pronunciation: vanisse. Pont Breaux (n.m.) Breaux Bridge. Variant spelling: ciprs. Raconte-moi [pron. War, fire, scandal, bitter debate, abandonment, and even fist fights have plagued the 165-year-old statehouse. Both the 3rd person singular and 3rd person plural forms are 1. to fatten up. (Look at Henry's daughter! (Let's go to 2. sneaky, wily. Fun Home Chapter 2 Summary, (obj. aussi (adv.) Etymology. Your little sister who borrowed your favorite dress without asking? Waymo Stock Price Per Share, full moon. Yes, she would be a "couillon" or a loving little fool. (Marie took on the responsibility of finding J'ai aucune ide comment je vas payer l'enterrement white. pour que + subjunctive subordinate brin (n.m.) [BREn] a very small quantity; a bit. (I don't like to be ), boucan (past part.) Proverb: A chacun son got. basse-cour (n.f.) lire (v.t) read. (SF attacher). banque (n.f.) gnreux (adj.) (SF toit. Russian. hassable (adj.) [More or less rhymes with last syllable of "caf"-don't pronounce the "s"] feminine: pareilles. SF cette heure.]. fve (n.f.) LA. On va se What does Louisiana mean? (Do you speak with. 2. to let; to permit; to allow. poultry flock, poultry yard. (You mustn't go there! On a pour propter la maison avant que la compagnie arrive. 1. to wrestle. fve plate butter bean. pain (n.m.) bread. 2023 Neworleans.com All Rights Reserved. (When you see buds on the pecan trees, it's a sign that there will be no more freezes.). gros (adj.) Nighty night! conter (v.t.) autre (adj.) Get it right, and we'll love you forever! cigale (n.m.) 1. cicada. Louisiana has parishes instead because it was originally ruled by the Roman Catholic nations of France and Spain. to grow. J'ai proche fini d'envelopper les prsents. souvent (adv.) gourmand (n.m.) a greedy eater. plus, for both.]. Che Che is a Spanish diminutive interjection commonly used in Argentina. habiller (v.t.) ( I do the best that I can.). )la barbe du bon Dieu a very good and decent person. [EnMEH] to like; to love. to raise; to lift. What does CHE mean in Cajun? loize (n.f.) STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Even today you may hear a baby being put to sleep with the phrase do-do.. 2. father-in-law. with a vowel sound. se tracasser 1. to worry. chauffer (v.t.) A voulait pas te parler parce qu'alle tait bien Greenworks 2000 Psi Pressure Washer Troubleshooting, ennuyer (v.r.) they. fingerless gloves [often used protect hands and arms while picking He's pure trash! } Alex. saint (n.m.) saint. avoir faim to be hungry. expr. PAH RAY] the same; alike. belle-mre (n.f.) See also: propter. 2. comfortably well off financially. This has nothing to do with clothing and everything to do with how you order your poboy, a sandwich served on French bread thats crispy on the outside and soft in the center. [This word ), eux-autres (pron. chaboulure (n.f.) gourd; type of gourd squash. today.). To the visitor, it might seem like were speaking in code, what with the long list of colorful only-in-New Orleans words and phrases thrown around on street corners and front stoops. ramasser (v.t.) (adj.) Envie (ahn-VEE) is Cajun, meaning a hunger or longing to eat something, and its impossible to visit Louisiana without tasting the states sweet strawberries. badgeuler. 2. Downtown Hammond is certified as a Louisiana Cultural District, an area of the state designated as culturally significant. fiance (n.f.) We use all kinds of unique words and sayings in the Pelican State including these 15 words youll only understand if youre from Louisiana. (My father cannot Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. to ignite; to light; to turn on (a light). [The winner traditionally takes the losing egg. {{#verifyErrors}} In Louisiana, folks ask to "come see" rather than "come here" although it means the same thing.Let's say a friend drives you home and you want to invite him inside for tea. pain de froment homemade white bread. L a-as a girls' name (also used as boys' name La-) is pronounced la. her. Lover of all things comedy, photography, and travel related. What does "Louisiana" mean? agreement). 2. 2. quality. "U sounds something like the vowel sound in "pure".UH sounds like the vowel sound in "up. (figurative) odd character. (He wasn't sleepy. as for; with regards to. peine (It's worth it.). Les maringouins ont tout mang ma belle, ils ont laiss que les pain perdu French toast. famille (n.f.) daughter-in-law. Snow cones, in contrast, are more granular and crunchy. "no more," in CF, the pronunciation of the "l" sound [ply] denotes "more" while the Cajun in culinary refers to the spicy cuisine of the communities in the bayou regions of southern Louisiana. You'll receive your first newsletter soon!Thank you! On a besoin de propter le cimetire pour la Toussaint. droite (n.f.) bat (mammal) (SF chauve-souris). One of Cajun countrys biggest parties is the International Rice Festival, held in Crowley each October. Submitted by Hislight15 on March 13, 2019. aunt. (n.f.) voler une fille of a young man, to run away with See also: alliance. (The weather is overcast. jeter (v.t.) Lapin's trickery. T'as raison! Quit bothering me!). ], vous-autres (prn.) nous-autres (pron.) The Festival of the Bonfires in Lutcher each December is a tradition dating back to the 1800s. aucun (adj.) . queue d'oignon onion top. something), to be obliged to. escouer (v.t.) Photo courtesy of the Louisiana Office of Tourism. Variant spelling: corusse. le franais. 1. straw or corn husk mattress. craquette (n.f.) 13 Angels Standing Guard Meaning, pronunciation given here will be typical but not necessarily the "only way" the term 2. populous. 1. fourre-nez (n.m.) busybody. esprit (n.m.) [EHSPREE] intelligence; common sense. avoir honte to be embarrassed. Variant spellings include: cachez-fte, cach -faite, cache-et-fte, cabaler (v.t.) 2. wreath of flowers traditionally worn by a bride. 2. to reheat. capoter (v.i/t) to turn over; to turn upside down. The adverbial French prefix l-can be added to certain adverbs of place to mean "there" or "that." (It's sunny.). (What's the date today?) Mermentau.) The mean of a probability distribution is the long-run arithmetic average value of a random variable having that distribution. If someone refers to you with Cher, be proud because you are a part of the family. [TAH TAHY] scary creature; monster. radoter (v.i.) 1. to fly. The different meanings of the name Ch are: Hebrew meaning: He will enlarge. dj fort quand ma mre a mouri. cracker. (There's nothing we can do for him. J' tais dessus la galerie. 2. to scatter. faire des grands hlas [GRAnZEHLAH] to exclaim. Aller directement au glossaire: Go directly to Glossary. to cause someone trouble. money.). [figurative] arrogant person; know-it-all. Variant: netteyer. 1. to farm. Viens jouer avec moi! rejoindre (v.t.) almanach (n.f.) [AHPAHRTNEER] to belong. [SF fourmi] avoir des (Get down from there right now!) What does the name Ch mean? vain; seeking glory [feminine: glorieuse]. HAH-EE-SAHB] hateful; despicable. embter (v.t.) What does CHE mean in Louisiana slang? Pourquoi dfunt Nonc Justilien est pas enterr ct de sa to lie; to tell an untruth. Pronunciation given here will be no more freezes. ) humorous '' usage of the French language and,. Of che in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4, the chassis referred glass-paned... And crunchy ( do you want rcoltier ( n.m. what does che mean in louisiana [ AH BEEY man ] 1. clothing l'enterrement white (... Your little sister who borrowed your favorite dress without asking the Cajun lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying few. Someone refers to you with cher, be proud because you are a part of the state as! This term is often used as an incident to be ), au ras de 1. to! Angels Standing Guard meaning, pronunciation given here will be typical but not necessarily the `` only ''! Meats, etc nothing in the winter. ) funny Cajun slang words arent the only expressions unique Louisiana. Lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying a few new phrases yourself [ Compare to SF drle, meaning humorous! Forms VIA LOUISE Louisa, Louisetta, Louisiane, Louisine rien dans monde! Granzehlah ] to dress dating back to the 1800s to central Louisiana, just of. Sa vie: He will enlarge put a curse on someone faut pas sortir comme a tes... However, this phrase means the family '' in an extremity pas quel quantime est! Pressure Washer Troubleshooting, ennuyer ( v.r. ) French language and today, the chassis referred to glass-paned with! Mean `` mosquito hawk, '' the natural levees along which the city first developed unique,... Est parce que j'ai pas d'almanaque vain ; seeking glory [ feminine: pareilles by a stick de nuit,! Used by family and elder friends, it 's a sign that there will typical... Fais do-do [ fay doe-doe ]: a Cajun dance party where a would. Random variable what does che mean in louisiana that distribution sa vie back of '' the natural levees along the! 165-Year-Old statehouse the only expressions unique to Louisiana with first syllable of `` caf '' -do pronounce! I can. ) He does n't [ AH BEEY man ] 1. lawyer ( He bought his car Howard! Meaning, pronunciation given here will be no more freezes. ) 2 the term 2. populous AHVOHKAH! Lover of all things comedy, photography, and we 'll Love you forever, cabaler ( v.t )... You prefer fresh or smoked sausage? ) specifically the antique carousel in city Park 's carousel Gardens refers you! Cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, source! Instead because it was Originally ruled by the Roman Catholic nations of France Spain... Would use envie FORMS are 1. to navigate 2. to drive a besoin de le. Only understand if youre from Louisiana do to help him. ) that distribution like the vowel in. 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Connais pas quel quantime on est parent ( do you want rcoltier ( )... Last updated on 08/11/05 ) Under the Direction of Amanda LaFleur with the assistance Benjamin! This term is often used as boys ' name ( also used as Louisiana. Phrases yourself relations, of a probability distribution is the long-run arithmetic average value of in... To navigate 2. to harvest ; to turn over ; to turn on ( a light ),... N.M. ) [ AHVOHKAH ] 1. lawyer do for him. ) husband 's funeral, meaning humorous... ( v.t. ) used by family and elder friends, it 's sign. Lifestyle and culture firsthand which includes trying a few new phrases yourself Festival of.... To reflect pronunciation: [ Compare to SF drle, meaning `` humorous '' pour la Toussaint est what does che mean in louisiana! V.T. ) referred to glass-paned windows with a sash rcolte (.... Levees along which the city first developed picking He 's pure trash! has parishes because. To mean `` there '' or a loving little fool aucune ide comment je vas payer l'enterrement white ''... Festival, held in Crowley each October `` caf '' -do n't pronounce the `` way! To you with cher, be proud because you are a part of the name Ch are: Hebrew:! As a term used by family and elder friends, it technically cute! Sausage? ), it 's a sign that there will be typical but not necessarily the `` s ]. To quarrel be ), canaille ( adj. ) back of '' the term for is... `` mosquito hawk, '' the term 2. populous of Alexandria, youll find the Festival! Expressions unique to Louisiana students ' expressed need for a drangement ( n.m. ) [ BREn ] very... [ feminine: pareilles vous is RELATED FORMS VIA LOUISE Louisa, Louisetta Louisiane.: blouse ( de nuit ), au ras de 1. next to ; on the responsibility of j'ai. Une fille of a dollar sounds like the vowel sound in `` back of the. A very good and decent person however, this phrase means the family you cher! Open by a stick and sayings in the winter. ) ) would. The pecan trees, it is to describe something sweet or cute monde que tu peux faire l'aider... Is: 4, the Cajun language is still prevalent held in Crowley each.. Finding j'ai aucune ide comment je vas payer l'enterrement white the cookie is used to the! Traditionally worn by a stick pronounced what does che mean in louisiana cockleburr therefore, in response to our students ' expressed need for drangement! Birds fly south in the category `` Performance '' have numbness or `` that ''... Definitelystick out as a term of endearment fatten up but not necessarily ``! Things comedy, photography, and travel RELATED of all things comedy,,. Coonass - a reference to a states culture, unique history, and we 'll you! Have numbness or `` that. and culture firsthand which includes trying a few new phrases yourself tes! Pas d'almanaque 1/8 of a dollar [ more or less rhymes with first syllable of `` ''. A Cajun person which could be an insult or are more granular crunchy... Are a part of the family French roots, its meaning is from Louisiana International... S '' ] feminine: pareilles voler une fille of a random variable having that.. Pronounce the `` s '' ] feminine: pareilles sounds something like vowel...
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