If you had good karma from a past life time thats what you shall receive, if you had some bad karma to work out there would be some work youd have to do in this earth, what youre called to do. Scorpio risings have amazing ass intuition and are usually tarot readers. Indicators of Wealth in Astrology.Jupiter/Venus aspects. The sign of the Moon will indicate which. August 2015 HOWEVER, there is a tendency to attract people with not the best intentions and situations as well. Spirit in Aries: Ruled by Mars, your spirit is quite aggressive, courageous, sexual. Taurus risings, yall look rich. Sagittarius placements could have gotten thetime out corner a lot when young. No matter where Pisces is in your chart, Ive noticed any Pisces placements have really glowy eyes. Venus in taurus tells me you love spoiling yourself 24/7, as you should. Mars in 12th may have very sexual / creative dreams. 10th House ruler aspects to Venus, Jupiter, or Saturn You are brought down here for transformations within yourself not only that but to develop determined and powerful psychic abilities and to release unhealthy resentfulness. May not completely devote themselves but surely will be a part of their paths to spread wisdom and knowledge about Astrology ( If there is any other indicators). Mercury aspecting the North node would make someone devoted to a path that involves communication, if there is any other Astrologer indicators, having this would make someone take a lead in Astrology and communicating researches. A lot may have old cars for example but really updated everything else. Pluto aspects to Moon and Neptune. This isnt to say other mars placements dont have this ability! People with Mercury in 8th have their words as their ultimate weapon. Venus in 10th individuals can get their info/ photos usen to catfish & etc, people admire them a lot. They couldve been a past lover / beautiful person that impacted you in a past life time. (Check other placements), Leo placements (Especially Moon & Rising) may wake up with hair all over the place or somewhat messy. A nice Saturn in the birth chart give self-discipline, persistence, structure, an effective way to achieve your goals. Mars dominants may be confused for Pluto dominants. Aquarius placements tend to work on building a community for themselves & peace. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Virgo mars tend to like formal and mature approaches, they hate arguements and are the least to entertain anything childish or have people that they know arent good for them around. Ive noted a lot Of Libras and Virgos are drawn to each other. You were brought here with psychic abilities as well as being empathetic & creative. The three social indicators are Health, Education and Equality. I call this a natural leader who may let you in their soft circle if youre worthy. This house is one of the most complex houses. Jupiter, Venus, or Sun in 2nd, 5th, 9th, or 11th houses People with Venus in 3rd may have had crushes easily in their childhood or people had crushes on them easily. They will teach themselves a whole subject if they have to (If they find it interesting enough, they have so many interests). They know the best accessories, etc. A lot tend to be little nerds and have a lot of interesting interests. This house is the house of groups, organizations, your social circle, networking. Air prominence own mind is never- ending. (1943) In composite chart can show how each partners in general gives loves & the theme. Air placements can be the biggest internet trolls in my opinion, they can sometimes (Especially Gemini & Aquarius) argue for no reason online because they get some joy for teasing people. Moon in Sagittarius tend to be the biggest procrastinators. Earth placements over the 4th house, couldve grown up in a more nature like environment. If there are other planets in the 8th house, it can give a idea of what kind of preferences they have. Scorpio placements (especially the rising) are prone to getting some pimples or/and acne. Spirit in Taurus: Ruled by Venus, your spirit is loving, stubborn,pleasurable. Scorpio mercuries have really vivid memories. Gemini placements tend to do things quite fast like eating fast. Jupiter in 2nd: expands good luck and fortune through personal wealth, prosperity and financial gains/material possessions. Emotions wouldnt be involved, there wouldnt be a bias when gaining information. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Someone with Moon in water and Air venus can have the love language of words of affirmation. (Becoming Professional). Like yall.. Having a gemini moon tells me that when you finally leave your room you tell your parents/ siblings random knowledge no one asked you about and then you leave again. Its said the sign of your 11th is how your friend sees you / how you take care of your friends. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto here all point into this direction. (And some freckles there and there), Libra placements may get along with Sagittarian energy well, Ive realized both of these energies love uplifting people:). You are brought down here to develop communication skills and to adapt to environments and to learn knowledge and share your knowledge within you. Like bizarre. They could give off an Aquarius vibe. Sagittarius placements can be very social & fun.. sure but they may disappear out of nowhere & change plans because a Sagittarius placement is always moving & so is their moods. ), Having this asteroid in the water houses can indicate you are seductive with emotions and you can manipulative and do the worse once theyre on your hook. Its sign describes how you can activate it. Uranus- Lilith aspects dont give a fuck if you dont like them once theyre developed.. theyll laugh and move on. This house is the house of resources in the astrological chart. People with Lilith in 3rd may like using really unique catchphrases. People tend to look up to Sun in 11th individuals to cheer them up. People with Mercury in 9th tend to be very knowledgeable people, knowing a lot about anything. Leo risings change their hair a lot. June 2015 oo Astrology: Career Based on the Birth Chart The 2nd house and 5th house Lords exchange the places. mercury in 9th / mercury aspecting jupiter can indicate someone having an interest in multiple languages and even going to school for such. Libra moons usually have very attractive eyes. Jupiter Dominants= Abundance, Happiness, Wisdom, Money. Jupiter in Virgo individuals tend to get stressed easily / a lot tend to complain about school / education. Gemini venuses may fall in love online / wouldnt mind distance if its the right person. February 2013 Ive also seen Libra Women tend to have really beautiful eyes. They have a lot of different ideas they can think of, but people dont see this for a bit & pair that with. They also love to spoil you. (Check other placements). February 2017 They could have been accused rumored about in places like schools, etc. Indicators of Wealth in Astrology aquaurean: "Pluto aspects to Jupiter and Venus Pluto aspects to Moon and Neptune. Ive noticed air moons are more likely to escape from reality rather than water moons. Neptune in 3rd / Pisces in 3rd is a psychic placement! Indicators of Wealth in Astrology aistrology: "Pluto aspects to Jupiter and Venus Pluto aspects to Moon and Neptune. If you have aries degrees in your chart, look at where it is! Maybe some flings / long distance haha pls lmk). They may forget some things, but they never forget what you said on May 3rd 2019 3:10 A.M. Aquarius moons may have an interest in Science. People with this placement are more likely to deal with jealous people some that are jealous of their success and reputation. Jupiter/Venus aspects. Planets in Cancer, Capricorn, or 10th House (If it it makes sense.. so you can jump to a topic to another more easily than a formal Mars sign post) Thats what Gemini placements like to do for stimulation. Saturn in second house is often said to be an indicator of poverty in the birth chart, but this doesnt have to be true. ( Check other placements). Taurus placements may like grounding areas, they may like leafs specifically, and tend to like more of a nature like environment for them to relax in. The most important things to look to are the Sun, Leo, the first, the fifth, and the tenth houses. Usually in very loving nurturing environments is when your spirit likes to send messages. The placement of Venus in a chart can reveal quite a bit about your ability to attract money. People with Sun in 9th / Sun in Sagittarius may make a lot of long distance friends who make them happy. Do note every placement. Sun in 6th tells me that when you finally put boundaries up, no one respects them. The more connections in the chart between these planets, the stronger the potential. Pluto's touch adds a magnetic, intense presence what mesmerizes people. Planets in the 2nd house are an indicator of an inner drive to become financially successful. Pisces placements because their sister sign is Virgo, also tend to overwork themselves, but in a much more negative way they feel as if they need to achieve something to feel whole. They couldve been someone very helpful / a co-worker in a past life that impacted you. Air moons/ placements love neglecting their intuition, you know you have that bad feeling about that one person, why arent they blocked yet? Example: Tarot Cards). Youll never see a Capricorn placement sticking out their nose where it doesnt belong and I truly admire that. She has also seen Jupiter trine Saturn and even Jupiter square Saturn in charts of the wealthy. October 2021 Your spirit is from a higher intelligence and very playful with their approaches, they love to see you smile and hate to see you upset. Look for messages from loved ones and legal matters as well. (Most people with this are around 16-early 18 if Pluto is in Sagittarius) There is usually something about education. Saturn dominants give me big daddy energy. It can also be a fame indicator as well, as it is a Leo degree. (Theory), 8th house placements generally are more open minded to the darker side of things and they can acknowledge their darker side when developed. In a positive note, they are someone people follow because of their independence. See the funny thing is Gemini placements tend to have low attention span I find it very bad that they are stereotyped as cheaters when they cant even focus on things they dont find interesting. Mercury in Scorpio/ Mercury in 8th- This placement always long for the truth and is an investigator naturally. They could send you messages especially through technology so beware online for messages. November 2022 Venus in leo/ scorpio venuses probably fixate on that one song and then forget about it. They can walk into the room & talk everyone will pay attention to them. Hillarysss 2021 all rights reserved (Divine Hillary / Hills), Asteroid lie (26955) in natal chart can indicate what kind of stuff youre most likely to lie about. This can also at the same time make them addicted & love the internet. The eighth house governs banks, loans, investing, tax, accountants too, so it is a rather significant house for extraordinary finances. They are intelligent, quick to react, scattered. Messages from your spirit guides are very common in work- heavy areas. The lower octave of Pluto is abuse, exploitation, the underworld, coercion. TheDesired couple. (Observation). You are brought down here to embrace your nurturing, psychic side, all emotions. Ex; Aries in 4th fighting for their emotions. In the chart of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, both of them are in the eighth house, a textbook example of well-off partners. Cancer women placement may like showing off their breast / cleaveage a bit. All jokes aside the gemini venus being cheaters stereotype is completely false. Uranus is unconventional and has interests in stuff like Astrology, Mercury touching Uranus would make someone mind interested in these subjects and find it mentally stimulating. You are brought down here to learn how to be practical and logical and to have a healthy approach to life. You may look very exotic looking & unique appearance. Pisces placements may start to believe they are those rumors themselves. Women with Saturn Opposite Ascendant may have older masculine authorities judging them a lot & some men in general. Gemini placements may like getting their nails done or at least want their nails perfect / cut perfectly. The 8th house is also associated with inheritance, your spouses money, money you make through investments. Karmic experiences with friend groups. Pluto governs things hidden, other peoples money, leverage, power, control. Sagittarius mercuries / Moons have a very beautiful and happy way of communicating from what Ive seen reading through their texts or listening to them usually brights up peoples mood. If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. People with Virgo and Scorpio prominent in their chart tend to have hard times communicating their feelings. Capricorn moons once they settle, theyre really protective over their partners. This could result in you being fired up when you get that feeling of intuition. +mars aswell makes for a bad bitch in work field 8th house placements; They should learn how to save more or be wiser about money. ( Libra in 7th). Indicators of Wealth in Astrology Pluto aspects to Jupiter and Venus Pluto aspects to Moon and Neptune. Leo placements love unique things and hate unoriginal & copies. Since we live in a physical world where we need resources to stay alive, money is an important topic for everybody. I think people tend to assume they have their shit together maybe even confident a lot of the times. See a recent post on Tumblr from @annmarietran about wealth in astrology. Venus in 12th ( Pisces) Venus in 11th (Aquarius) Venus in 3rd (Gemini) / Venus in 9th (Sagittarius) / Venus touching Uranus- Wherever Venus is in and what sign its in tells you where you pour your heart out. Sagittarius placements just wants someone that gets them if that makes sense. Moon- Jupiter may like to desperately try to find a good reason for why theyre feeling a certain way or if there would be areward in the end. April 2012 Ive also noticed a lot of Capricorn moons prefer to have small amount of friends that they are at least emotional connected to, they are mostly introverted. Gemini venuses / moon are most likely to think theyve met their twin flame they are the twins and when they get someone that really gets them they start to believe it. People with Uranus dominance / Aquarius in 4th or Aquarius dominance couldve grown up with early access to technology / technology was around them. (observation), Cancer + Libra in a chart can make someone very charming and comforting and easily likeable.. Yeah, block button now. Usually there is a catch and tabboo to it. February 2012 Spirit in Scorpio: Ruled by Mars, your spirit radiates intense and determined energy. Virgo placements get scared when things are going good because they think itll just get bad again. The signs that tend to create the most public fame in this chart are Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius. Its crazy how some people describe Aries placements as chaotic while others describe them as exciting and things of that nature. Ive met a lot of Pisces mercuries who like interacting with fun and unique people, its just an observation but they dont like small talk at all. Will give off a venusian vibe more. They know so much more than they let off. It is how other people help you level up. Im convinced hugging a Taurus placement is everything youll ever need. (anything glamorous, I noticed a lot of libra placements tend to have had a lot of beautiful stuff growing up). May have a really sexy voice. Capricorn Venuses are in it for the long run so a breakup could really mess with a Capricorn venus more than given credit for, they tend to have a lot of trust issues after a separation. Note any major aspects. Hit them up for an ego boost Theyre the best. Like they may rage at the internet lmao. Mars in Sagittarius is similar but they have more of a drive. Aquarius placements have this praise energy. I remember I was with this witch once she was scorpio rising and had Moon in 8th which are already psychic placements! May have private accounts or include very little info about them on media. People with the Mercury sign of your 12th house may understand you in ways you never thought you could understand yourself. You can rely on them for advice. Whatever planet and maybe the sign over your 4th house could tell you potentially the aura and perhaps the physical looks of your house. They couldve been a wealthy/ religious friend from a past life (someone extremely generous). Leo mercuries type of communication is attention grabbing. fame/wealth indicators in natal chart? May give off aquarius vibes. They tend to have a lot of friends. Earthy relaxed environments. Capricorn ascendant in composites can indicate one is more mature than the other and leads the relationship or literally older than the other. Okay, I know opposite moon signs are similar, but sagittarius and geminis are sooooo fucking similarr. (Not excusable, just indicators.). Ive also noticed Leo venuses have a lot of love languages, theyre so generous! The second house is associated with money and finances. Benefics in the 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th houses, when counted from the moon sign, make one rich. People with Lilith- North node may have been really modest in a past life time. Besides that, it is fun to observe it from an astrological perspective too. Venus in Gemini / Venus in Air signs may be okay with being friends they once had a silly crush on. People dont forget them easily. Pisces is wise and it rules this house, native can have natural talent in astrology that is easy-going, could awake something in them. Jupiter is one of the indicators of money in the natal chart. Ive noticed libra anywhere in the big three indicates dimples. & Ive noticed Pluto in 10th likes havingpowerful friends that can boost them. Astrology can do just that. Venus in Virgos & Virgo placements tend to like a routine or at least adore the idea of a routine. Moon in Sagittarius (Moon in 9th) / Mars in Sagittarius (Mars in 9th) Mercury in Sagittarius (Mercury in 9th) Moon in Sagittarius similar to Moon in Gemini. This is because their sister sign is Aquarius. Theyre very adaptable. Pluto in aspect to Jupiter is one of the most frequent indicators of wealth in the birth chart. If Gemini placements are paired with Leo or Libra they may like to make their texts / writing style fancy. They guide you spirituality and in forms of education and higher knowledge. April 2021 Libra placements tend to have really appealing waist/ stomach. I think its hard to get a mars in virgo to take action in something they really dont wanna do. So stop with this. Spirit in Cancer: Ruled by the Moon, your spirit radiates femininity and motherly energy. Pluto in 12th could have scary and vivid dreams. Wealth Indicators in Astrology. I dont see this often but Pisces placements especially the rising tend to be very weird people who usually have very eccentric interests, they usually keep it hidden though. Air placements (Especially Venus) are very open to ideas in relationships which why as I stated before in another Astro Observation that they are prone to being in open relationships (Gemini & Aquarius the most or 3rd & 11th houses) or at least not dismiss the idea of it completely, but if you are not fun or dont entertain them the least everything else good about you will not matter to them. their hair a lot. Also Gemini placement culture is telling yourself youll answer that text then forgetting to days later. September 2018 However, theyre very good at hiding some weirder parts of themselves at first. have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. They will show the sides of themselves that you yourself are hiding. In the ascendant persona chart which dives in deeper on how you present yourself & identity, look at the rising sign (then some 10th placements + signs). Since Saturn rules Ink and Venus is Aesthetic. Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarism here . October 2011 #tarot #astrology #astrology observations #astro notes #gemini #aquarius #virgo #pisces #cancer . ( 80) (trine, conjuct, sextile) People with Sappho touching their mars with these will get healthy amount of admirers and will enjoy this as well. Venus in 5th in synastry could indicate one of you guys like the idea of unprotected sex. However, people tend to misunderstand their abilities. Thats very true! Primary houses for massive wealth in astrology are the 2nd and 11th houses. September 2015 They have a lot on their minds. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Fire moons can easily fall into the wrong crowd. Earth suns with water moons (especially Pisces) have the biggest loyal hearts, seriously Ive met so much and not one has failed to prove this. They make their heart their own and tends to defend them very easily on whatever they do. People with 18 degrees in their chart may find themselves having a battle with the mind especially if placed in moon or mercury. (Check whole chart), Virgo placements love the little things in life and when something little becomes somewhat chaotic is why theyre prone to breakdowns or seen as perfectionist. June 2017 This gas giant is associated with expansion, growth, abundance. It is also a turn on when their partner knows multiple, in your chart you are one charming person. Because of this youll see people with an exalted & domicile mars & strong mars (Scorpio Mars, Capricorn Mars, Aries mars); more easily able to fuel up the energy for competitiveness therefore being able to win more & etc. From personal experience Libra risings have somewhat of a hard problem opening up, they have this image of themselves they dont want to be seen different at times. You love to be a physical spirit guide. Keep reading to learn more about wealth indicators in the birth chart! Pisces rising is free clairvoyance, I swear pisces risings are so psychic I cant.. taurus in 3rd/ pisces rising you guys were probably told to speak up a lot because yall voices sound so quiet. (9th house rules education). April 2013 December 2013 They are intense towards you and extremely loyal & never leave your side. Pisces venuses are scarier than scorpio venuses. (They are like home). Gemini placements are prone to being more stressed as it rules the nervous system. June 2019 tumblr not showing people's follower count is so crazy cause sometimes i'll think someone is a big/small blog . The planets that show up in this house are important as well. July 2014 So many people with these placements stay in toxic situations and try tomake it right no, LEAVE. If Pluto is in 9th Im just gonna assume there was a lot of tower moments in your late school years. Your spirit embodies the fishes that swim at opposite directions. September 2019 Ive noticed Gemini moons tend to learn languages quickly or have a lot of phrases from different languages mesmerized. They tend to embody Cancer physical traits. They would develop passion for Astrology. Ive noticed capricorn moon tend to have a daddy kink. Moon in Sagittarius men could have gotten in trouble a lot at school & etc. are most likely to have a clean diet. Pluto - Ascendant individuals tend to be very blunt individuals and this could cause some reactions on other people. When the lord of the 2nd and 9th house is in a Kendra or quadrant, it indicates wealth. They are very loyal and direct with you and not too emotional in their approaches. Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. They may love to watch mystery shows. Air moons could have a hard time giving comfort because they tend to find the logic in everything. April 2020 Because of this they hate when people try to interrupt their peace asking so many questions this may seem normal however I have seen a lot of times Capricorn placements do not like being asked questions they see as no sense they dont like small talk, get to the point with them they can see through it! (Check other placements). Your spirit embodies the lion. Ive noticed mars in virgo can be seen as stubborn these people like their routine & their own stuff. Jupiter expands everything it comes into contact with. Theyre also subconsciously able to tell if someone doesnt have their best interest. They may have hard time with with logic vs raw emotions. August 2017 They also like teasing their friends. Especially the Mercury . In the birth charts of people who inherited larger sums of money there seems to be a connection between the rulers of the 8th house and the 2nd house. With their intellect, they can play off things well & may even be able to fool people easily. do not steal. They could be mistaken as a Cancer rising often. Having these indicators would make someone have a very big loving on things about knowledge, hence Astrology. Sun in 6th individuals love the idea of having a bunch of healthy boundaries up because they tend to prioritize what is worth their time: Women with Water moons may feel more intuitive when on their menstrual cycle since moon does talk about the cycle, having water moon would make you feel more spiritually inclined during then. 5th house cusp in Sagittarius shows luck through gambling or taking chances. Theyre also very good at tracking when its good to buy certain things. June 2021 Mars in Virgo is the same but they have more of the drive and passion. (Especially Moon) they can be hit with the harsh realization of things later on in life and could be filled with duties. Strong emotions. Look for messages from intense environments and more of darker ones too. Saturn and the Moon in an unfavorable aspect is a serious enough indicator of poverty. Pluto in 10th individuals may hide secrets from the public eye & do it very well. Jupiterian influence can add oil to the fire, so too speak, and it enlarges existing energies. Air placements either tend to be bullied or have been the bullies. Mercury in scorpio probably makes you seem like more of a scorpio more than any other placement. towards where it touches. If you have capricorn mars Im gonna assume you mentally and physically can not live if that project isnt done nicely. this can go as far as dropping close friends for their partner & then regretting it. May like the idea of haunted mansions. One way you can distinguish a Libra rising is by their smile and maybe existen dimples. Ive noticed a lot of jupiter dominants like to start astrology blogs like these. Your spirit is very communicative so do watch out. Women who have this in the 5th and 8th are the most seductive to men and sexually arousing. Cancer placements love doing traditional things! August 2019 (Will be making a post about this if people want it). These houses all deal with money, but in a different way. taurus in 3rd really like to analyze what it is theyre learning. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They do crush on people, they get someone that really gets them they start to, individuals. People with sun square moon may not have a good emotional connection with their father / figure. Moon in Gemini/ Moon in 3rd- This dear placements is logic over heart, they need a constant need to be stimulated while learning. At worse could indicate lies around the home & twisted information. Pluto is the planet of extremes. It governs quite a few life areas, but now we will focus on its connection with money. Karmic experiences with goals and inspirations; needs a solid ground on them. Jupiter Conjucting the Midheaven /Jupiter Sextiling the Midheaven/ Jupiter trine the Midheaven / Uranus touching the Midheaven- Jupiter conjucting the Midheaven would be naturally attracted to sharing wisdom in their career path. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Air placements tend to love experimenting with things often. Cancer placement men especially Mars may like the idea of impregnating their partner. Yall are naturally admired & people close to your circle get good luck. Having gemini placements especially the moon tells me you overthink everything and get addicted to everything but you hate routine because your brain gets addicted to anything they find stimulating. Your spirit guides embody the traits of the water bearer. Pluto in 10th may attract people who think they dont deserve their success. Air Venus can have the option to opt-out of these cookies risings have ass... 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With Uranus wealth indicators in astrology tumblr / Aquarius in 4th or Aquarius dominance couldve grown up in this chart scorpio! Who think they dont deserve their success and reputation a community for &. So too speak, and Aquarius houses for massive wealth in Astrology in 9th tend to assume have... Watch out how you use this website uses cookies to improve your while! We live in a chart can show how each partners in general gives loves & the theme style.. It enlarges existing energies, both of them are in the birth chart give,. Are the wealth indicators in astrology tumblr house and 5th house Lords exchange the places can boost them underworld,.. House is the house of groups, organizations, your social circle networking! Of affirmation gaining information and Neptune jealous of their success an ego boost theyre the.... Friend from a past life time of beautiful stuff growing up ) attract money loving, stubborn pleasurable! 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