Playing a Ranked Match as Onion won't affect your Beef rank, Each character starts out Unranked. example : DGN | shygybeats (Dank Broccoli #4227) Stalled 50% > Please report any bugs or weird behavior! IF YOU DONT MAKE CHECK IN, YOU DONT MAKE IT TO TOURNEY!! > Fixed bug with spectator latency. 7pm-late. When they get in, they should be just as strong as before, Garlic's Dash has been reworked under the hood to work the same as before with the new, shorter Sweep. TOUGH LOVE ARENA must be in the TOUGH LOVE ARENA Discord and the Tough Love Discord (where the matchmaking for this tourney will occur) TLA account preferred, for easier tracking of matches throughout the tourney. This makes it easier to identify yourself within a lobby, with the fail-safe that if you pick an unsuitable nickname, the host can always kick you, Lobbies: Nicknames are saved as a local setting. Hitbox size increase upwards and outwards. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Everyone has also been slightly slowed down / brought closer together to help prevent faster characters running away, Throw avoid: Walking forward to avoid throws is admittedly strange, but we're trying it out for a reason. If you would like to support us financially and/or get additional cosmetics, please see check us out on Steam. Watching match footage, we like that Beef players are using Lemon more, and the feints can be exciting! Hey guys, the amount of new content in Feit-Neos (aka LightningLasers) EBF5 mod is growing. (4-back 6-forward, a-light b-heavy c-special). Game SettingsRounds: 3, Time: 60use recommended delay(all matches bo3, except ROUND 3 and on which are bo5,unless there are less than 8 participants. Changed Pork: Caber Toss now launches close with juggle limit 4, but automatically combos into Jump. Windows certification is coming soon! It will resume when you leave, Debug Ref: Added SFX (sound effects) section, Modding: CharacterSFX (the values for FrameConfig.sound) have been converted from numbers to descriptive strings. About. The first three options are the same as before. Lastly, unrelated to these parry changes, Sneak has been given a little chip to make it more viable at high level play as an option, and to encourage players to more proactively try to anti-air it. 640 S Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90014, United States. Now you can choose to use the gear icon to set custom controls for player 2, Character Select: The gear icon is now visible in Training Mode, Custom Controls: Escape will now exit the popup without saving changes, Gamepad: Added logic to support Razer Panthera fightsticks when set to DP (it no longer works in LS), Character Select: Fixed bug where the gear button wouldn't work under certain circumstances, Gamepad: Add limited gamepad support for the Introduction menus, Gamepad: Plugging in a new controller at any menu will open the button select menu, Local Versus: Added a new gears icon next to Mods that allows you to open the Custom Controls menu without a mouse, Mouse: The mouse cursor will now autohide after 5 seconds of not moving, Mouse: A hidden cursor won't force the menu to stick to a button the way it normally does, Desktop: Fixed bug where replay links were invalid, Replays: Added LOAD REPLAY submenu where you can load replays on Desktop / without restarting the game, Menu: Fixed bug where using the ENTER key to submit a text form (eg Join Lobby) could sometimes temporarily lock out controller/keyboard input if you stayed in the menu, Gameplay: The controls reminder at the bottom of the screen will autohide if you have customized your controls, Local Versus: You can now select skins you haven't unlocked, like Training Mode, Character Select: For game modes were you can select all skins (Local Versus, Training Mode), the skins you haven't unlocked yet now have a little lock icon (they are still pickable), Modding: Updated docs with the new SFX ids, Gameplay: Throw animation on hit increased by 5 frames, to give the new sounds more room to breathe, Sound: Added and re-arranged the sound effects for all characters, Sound: Common attacks like Light and Heavy have a pool of 2-5 similar sounds that are played at random, Sound: Jump, Throw, and Special attacks each have a single, distinct sound cue, Sound: Attacks are no longer randomly silent, they will always make a noise, Sound: Added sound effects when you gain a bar of meter, Animation: Added visual effects when you gain a bar of meter, Animation: Ghost Onion has been reworked to make the legs more visible during Sweep, Animation: Noodle's shoes have been recolored for the Pistachio, Strawberry, and Plaid skins, Removed Halloween Patch. Browser Games - Tough Love Arena - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet! This fixes a bug introduced in 0.85.6, where existing mods that failed validation (but still mostly worked) became unplayable, Modding: Invalid SequenceIds will now give you a warning instead of crashing on the loading screen, Modding: Fixed bug where storePosition and eraseStoredPosition did nothing when used on Projectile frames, Buffed Noodle: Soup can no longer be voided by Jump attacks, Casual: If you enter Casual without logging in, you will be assigned an anonymous account (like when playing in Lobbies), Casual: If you enter Casual while logged in, you will now always be able to block the opponent, Modding: FrameConfig.invulnVsAirborne added, Modding: FrameConfig.eraseStoredPosition added, Modding: RemoteAnimationConfig.eraseStoredPosition added, Noodle: Fixed bug where Soup pushback on block was always the same. Enter up to 375 characters to add a description to your widget: Copy and paste the HTML below into your website to make the above widget appear. Buffer Throw hitbox to make it harder to walk out after the throw has started, Fixed bug where menus stopped being traversable via keyboard/pad, Removed Custom Controls button when playing on mobile, Custom Controls popup is now accessible via corner button and can no longer be accessed by holding two buttons, Removed debug keys to play as WIP boss characters, Nerfed Onion/Garlic guardbreak from 25% > 15% for both Sweep and Roundhouse, Fixed bug where Beef didn't attack during Onion's deflect trial, Updated Discord link to point to welcome channel, Changed touch hover from black to white to be more visible, Added intro explaining "touch timer to exit" for mobile, Changed FPS correction to skip drawing 1 frame when behind, Buffed Beef's Punch to no longer be punishable by light attacks, Nerfed hitstun on Uppercut's first hit, keeping RAPID combos still possible but tighter, Fixed air-based attacks to match new damage scaling algorithm, Fixed bug where auto-cancel moves would fail if they hit on the last active frame, Renamed Suplex > Toss to match new animation, Added FPS counter to top right of gameplay screen, Overhauled loop timing to better mitigate slowdown, Removed Max resolution, to be eventually replaced with High (file sizes too large), Shortened recovery on Whip Again, net stun unaffected, Removed online-mandatory FPS test for reworking, moved to Extras for now, Reverted 0.34.15 changes to hit timing because it broke tutorial's hit detection, Added ability to publish realtime "News" notifications w/o a code change, Fixed HUD meter bars that were slightly misaligned, Anti-airs give 2 juggles instead of 1, give 4 juggles if falling from BURST, Scaled HUD and Ready/Fight messages for lower resolutions, Simplified resolution options to Low / Medium / Max, Added graphics test before playing online, Changed hitboxes + timing to Onion's hopkick, Updated art for hopkick, backflip, and deflect, Added Master Audio Toggle (top right icon) to saved settings, Master Audio starts off until you finish the Introduction, where you have a chance to disable it, Added corner menu buttons (audio, fullscreen) to Character Select, Updated ABOUT page, added link to Patreon, Changed Noodle/Rice's Whip hitbox to be worse at anti-air but better at juggling, Changed Noodle's juggle state when RAPIDing Frenzy, Added lower res backgrounds for slower machines, Added "Best of X" selection to Character Select menu, Changed hits to visually land the frame after active frame is visible, Added Round Time selection to Character Select menu, Added option to show/hide the controls reminder at the bottom of the HUD, Fixed volume bug when launching the game in a particular way, Added check + message for new version when choosing Play Online, Fixed matchmaker API to prevent cross-version matches, Fixed bug where the wrong menu options were shown after a replay, Simplified presence server (X players online), Added different matchmaker for development, Fixed visual bug when game ended in a Draw, Fixed debug stats to scale with retina display, Removed stage art parallax POC (caused too much lag), Combo damage is now also displayed via red health, Fixed bug in Training Mode where resetting while paused broke the FPS, Added new custom HUD, changing how health and meter are displayed, Nerfed Beef's Lemon hitbox to match sprite, Changed Garlic's Sneak to appear slightly further behind the opponent, Added loading spinner where waiting on network calls, Non-combo tutorials are now also repeatable, Fixed bug where leaving an Online match showed an error, Fixed bug where juggling the opponent from behind pulled them into you, Fixed bug where P2 controls were hidden in the Local Versus character select. Now you start watching from the start, but might not see the end, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where lobbies would crash the game when you tried to leave under certain circumstances, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where if Player 1 tabbed out on the win screen, the match might never end. Added Training Mode feature: Save/Load State, Added Training Mode feature: Frame Advantage Display (top left, very WIP), Training Mode "Reset to position" reduced to a single key, resets to corner if you're holding left/right, Training Mode meter refill sped up to refill 5x faster, Fixed bug where Training dummy would autoblock right after Reset, Set boss character health to 1 to further discourage online use, Changed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.38.0 change to Whip Pounce recovery, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Whip Pounce juggle points reduced 4 > 2, Buffed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, is +1 on hit (was bugged at -2), Nerfed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, no longer juggles + can no longer RAPID, Nerfed Rice: Swat, when hitting grounded, holds the extended hurtbox for longer during recovery, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Pounce has a larger cancel window, Changed Noodle/Rice: Whip has 2 frames shorter recovery (net hitstun/blockstun kept the same), Buffed Noodle: Slap can now cancel into "Close Fist" for a frame trap (but it does not juggle), Nerfed Noodle: All Fist attacks can now be parried, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy meter gain on block now matches meter gain on hit (500 > 200 if all hits connect), Buffed Rice: Slap can now cancel into Swat, Buffed Rice: Swat now always slams down, juggling on hit and doing chip on block, Buffed Beef/Pork: Reduced Palm startup so it's a true blockstring from Heavy Punch if done quickly, Buffed Beef/Pork: Increased size of Palm hitbox upward to make juggles easier, Buffed Beef: Lemon startup reduced by 3 frames, spawns a little farther forward, Buffed Beef: BEEFCAKE hitbox expanded to cover entire screen, Buffed Pork: Increased size of Chop hitbox downward to hit Sweep cleanly, Changed Pork: Chop now causes knockdown on aerial hit, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Jump Attack hitbox is larger, harder to anti-air / trade with certain attacks, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox shrunk during startup + active to make it easier to go under high attacks, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox expanded during recovery to make it easier for high attacks to whiff punish, Added small movement backward to Uppercut's recovery, Fixed bug with cancel window on Uppercut's second hit, Updated animation for Chop, Spike, and Beef/Pork Jump (no changes to frame data / hitboxes), Fixed bug where touch controls were visible during replay / spectating, Fixed bug where menu text could be selected/highlighted, Added rising animation to the end of knockdown, Increased total knockdown duration 30 > 40 frames, enabling more oki situations, Increased throw recovery on hit by 10 frames, keeping throw oki unchanged, Beef/Pork Spike launches with less horizontal speed, making mid-screen oki possible, Reduced Spike startup 20 > 10 frames, recovery 15 > 10 frames, Added "Canary" mode for special event testing, Fixed bug where users who participated in Canary testing couldn't load assets, Fixed bug where Player 2 hitsparks didn't appear if Player 1 had a Lemon on-screen, When online, stop sending inputs after the game has ended (prevents rare disconnect error), Fixed performance bug affecting Training and Replays where the input display was still sampling the entire round, Reverted scrolling fix, needs more testing, Nerfed Hopkick's hitbox to be lower, making AA and juggles harder, Fixed Chop to be throwable during ArmorVsAirborne frames, Fixed bug where armor moves could trade with throws by making active frames unthrowable, Fixed bug where the game would freeze if both players RAPID on the same frame, Fixed scrolling bug on the Frame Data menu, Fixed bug where input display (Training, Replays) was affecting performance, Fixed bug where Player 2 controls, if mapped, could control the dummy in Tutorials, Fixed critical bug in common "median" helper. Please report any bugs. The downloads will be listed under "Assets". NOTE: Old Lobbies will be phased out once Server Lobbies are stable. However, we like their play pattern and don't want to adjust any of their tools, so we are reducing the overall damage output for Onion/Garlic. Onion's recovery on Feint has been slightly reverted, making it just a little easier to whiff punish up close. The juggle trajectory on hit has been slightly altered to ensure the safe jump still works, Tutorial: Removed chip damage reference from Palm's strategy tutorial, Gameplay: Added "Punish" label above combo counter when the combo starts by hitting the opponent during recovery frames, Hall of Fame: Added YouTube link for the 6 Month Anniversary Tournament, NOTE: A "Punish Combo" does not confer any bonuses (like Counterhit), it is merely cosmetic, Added two new gameplay mechanics: Blue Life and REJECTION, Blue Life is recoverable life that you receive when blocking most Heavy and Special attacks, Blue Life recovers slowly over time, but will be instantly lost if when hit, REJECTION is a new defensive mechanic that costs 1 bar of LOVE METER and is performed by pressing Forward + Special while blocking, REJECTION pushes your opponent away and quickly recovers 100 Blue Life, if present, Gameplay: Chip damage has been removed from all attacks except Noodle Fist, Rice Swipe, and Beef Lemon, Gameplay: Most moves that used to do Chip instead deal a comparable amount of Blue Life, Nerfed Noodle: Chip damage on Fist reduced 40 > 30, Nerfed Rice: Chip damage on Swipe reduced 40 > 30, Training: Added Normal/Refill/Freeze options for Blue Life, Tutorial: Added information about Blue Life to the Blocking section in Basics, Frame Data: Added Blue Life info for all attacks and added REJECTION, About: Added a Special Thanks for shygybeats, the organizer of the Tough Love Gauntlet tournament series, Hall of Fame: Added the Potato Weekly tournaments, Changelog: The changelog is now downloadable in JSON form (scroll to the bottom), Hall of Fame: Added general description and "last updated", Extras: Added "Hall of Fame" page with tournament results and links to brackets + VODs, Gameplay: Added unpushable pushboxes to BURST. Download a desktop version of Tough Love Arena that works offline! "), Gameplay: Added new sound effects for hitting and blocking, Gameplay: Changed some attacks to have small/large sfx and hitsparks, Options: Added separate volume control for the new Announcer sounds, How to Play: Fixed typo in Counter Hit tutorial, Modding: Fixed bug where a sound on the first frame of a SequenceConfig would sometimes not play, Modding: Added "winSound" to FighterSetupConfig. Download a desktop version of Tough Love Arena - the # 1 source for video game on! & quot ; Assets & quot ; Assets & quot ; Spanish - America! Close with juggle limit 4, but automatically combos into Jump limit 4, but automatically combos Jump... Now launches close with juggle limit 4, but automatically combos into Jump 90014, United States Arena - #.: Old Lobbies will be listed under & quot ; Los Angeles CA. 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