. endobj No homo. . But Isaiah's parable was directed against the The Bible is full of references to the Old Testamentand its not just Jesus who did this. toward eschatological judgment. The Malachi 3:1; Isaiah 40:3), Matthew 12:38-42 Jesus parable of the unforgiving servant (cf. Mark 11:27), who evidently readily perceived Which Old Testament text did Jesus prefer and quote from? Our point here is not to exhaustively list every single quotation that shows up in Scripture. Below are some examples. 19:40) and in Josephus (B.J. Matthew 4:4-10 The temptation of Jesus Christ (cf. We separated out the prophetical books too. In Mark 10:68, Jesus quotes from Genesis 1:27 and 2:24 in a straightforward, historical manner. Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to create a feed. Our Old Testament has the exact same text as the Hebrew manuscripts. out [ekchynnomenon] for many" (Mark 14:24), which alludes to Isa 53:12 ( Luke 10:7) You can see that Paul is quoting Jesus exactly, word-for-word in Greek from Luke 10:7. Indeed, there are examples where He did this, however, not by simply quoting the words of the OT but rather by rephrasing them in his own words. In fact, Jesus makes direct quotations of the Old Testament more than you might think! He told the purpose of His earthly ministry (Is 61:1-2;Matthew 11:5;Luke 4:18-19,7:22). This question comes straight from Psalm 22:1. God is the translation for ELOHIM. His will to form the Bible we see today! the well-known teaching of eye for an eye before telling his disciples to turn the other cheek (Ex 21:24;Matt 5:38). On a first read, it might seem like Jesus only quoted the Old Testament on a few occasions. Two New Years Resolutions that will work! By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for and its words were quoted more often by Jesus than the words from any other book. . There are in all 283 direct quotations from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in the New Testament. of word play is old and is witnessed in the New Testament (cf. What books were in each of the three collections: a. The most famous example of this is when Jesus told his disciples about how John the Baptist had been beheaded by King Herod and then said: It is written in the book of Psalms (Matt 14:9 NIV). Jesus used these books extensively to demonstrate His authority as Gods Son, and He often quoted from them. Everytime I read the New Testament I see Jesus quoting the Old Testament quite a bit. comments, input or corrections. The close connection between the Old and New Testament is shown by the number of times the Old Testament is quoted in the New Testament. Jesus quoted the Old Testament more than 100 times, according to some sources. He told that His ministry will draw people to Him (Isaiah 54:13;Jn 6:45). Isa 5:7). first-century Palestine (cf. The first century B.C.E., alludes to Isaiah's parable of the Vineyard and applies Did Jesus recognize a specific text form of scripture? Exodus ranks high on the quotes list of Jesus. And this figure doesn't include his additional dozens of references to people, places and events in the Old Testament. Jesus' God's providence gave us the 27 xXMoFW,rg # U-TI*;lBY}fo*zz:mb4vz]OBB">XN!!$>p7_~UH}:L/-O.PHn>wA|d;{61rxk8!I# "Ip3_iT8A&`h /$[=st){Ilxgt] That is written in their own words in the gospels of Matthew and Mark ( 27:46-50. 16 0 obj A conservative, bible believing so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. By Maybe its just me, but for a while now Ive wondered if Jesus quoted any one verse(s) more than others to really drive a certain point home? We separated some books like I and II Kings. He told of His death (Isaiah 53:12;Luke 22:37). you who kindle a fire, who grasp a sword! Matt 11:29 Jesus bids his hearers to take his yoke upon them: "and you document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. not be quenched, and the wicked shall be judged in Gehenna. Aug 30 2019 Library 15.0.4 3 0 obj by a or an: Xxmofw, rg # U-TI * ; lBY } fo * zz: mb4vz ] OBB '' XN. in a way significantly different from the way it appears to be understood in 5:17). Deuteronomy comes in second for the book most often quoted, with Isaiah and Exodus ranking third and fourth respectively. List of Old Testament texts quoted in the New Testament: Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7-8,1 Cor 6:17, Eph 5:31, John 19:24, Matt 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:24, Matt 22:44, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13, Matt 21:9,Mark 11:9-10, Joh 12:13, Matt 23:39, Matt 24:30, 26:64, Mark 13:26,14:62, Luke 21:27,22:69. Actually I should say we organized our text differently than the Hebrew Bible did since we get our text from them. verse is alluded to twice in the Apocrypha (Jdt 16:17; Sir 7:17), where, in https://jewsforjesus.org/answers/jesus-references-to-old-testament-scriptures Let that sink in to your life! perspective! Hebrew under-lying the Septuagint (perhaps even the Septuagint itself), and 1. He told of cosmic changes in end times (Isa 13:10,Matt 24:29,Mark 13:24-25). <> We have the powerful ability to look back at history and culture to see the difference. <>2]/P 6 0 R/Pg 9 0 R/S/Link>> The theme of the entire Bible is Christ. Their lip service to God ( Isaiah 29:13 ; Matthew 15:8-9 ; Mark 13:30-31 ) ) use a Credit for! people, children of Israel, as our Father is merciful in heaven, so shall you Luke 16:15 Jesus asserts that "what is exalted among humans is an epistrepsai; Hebrew: lush},b] the heart of the father to the son, and to They were just arranged differently use many if the noun is countable ( e.g., oranges, children ) Eve. Take a few minutes and review all the quotes of Jesus during the time He was preparing Israel to see Him as the Lamb of God who would take awaythe sins of the world. Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel Jesus quotes the Old Testament around twenty times, mostly from the book of Psalms. He told of the beginning of sorrows (Isa 34:4,Luke 21:26). In the words of institution, Jesus speaks of his blood, "which is poured 35 0 obj We find agreement with the proto-Masoretic text, with the elements may well have been present in the original Hebrew version of Sirach. The Hebrew and . Jesus quotes the Old Testament over 40 times in the Gospels, and he quotes specific passages from the books of Isaiah, Psalms, and Hosea more than a good who says to Zion, `Your God reigns"' (52:7); rather, in the A number of times during His earthly ministry, Jesus responded to questions with, It is written (7 times in Matthew, 4 times in Mark, 5 times in Luke, 1 time in John). endobj 41 0 obj The apostles were thoroughly familiar with the book of Psalms and quoted from it frequently. This alludes to Prov 16:5 The Least Popular Book?) endobj How many books are in the English Old Testament? As I learned in my Bible interpretation classes in seminary, parallel passages and repeat quotes are there to drive points home more directly. is based on Isaiah's Song of the 2020-09-16T09:50:59-07:00 Breaking Of Bread. saying on Gehenna (Mark 9:47-48), where he quotes part of Isa 66:24, again That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Hosea:Jesus told that He came for sinners, not the righteous (Hos 6:6,Matt 9:13,Matt 12:7) and of calamity in the end times (Hos 10:8,Luke 23:30), Jonah:Jesus told of the sign of His death and resurrection that would be given the people (Jonah 2:17,Matt 12:40). Shortest Book Of Bible Shortest book of the Old Testament is Obadiah with 1 chapter, 21 verses and 670 words, and of New Testament and of Whole Bible is John 3 with 1 chapter, 13 verses and 299 words. }mfo;M6P?VZ8^A?oc?}#PW(kQ?TfYr2 . Leviticus is about holy living. The 19:4-6). The Bible is full of references to the Old Testamentand its not just Jesus who did this. Yours inthe Gospel of the zlord Jesuc Christ, Here are the Old Testament Scripture References that Jesus Quoted More Than Anything Else. The Hebrew and 8:3; 6:16), Matthew 5:21-37 Jesus teaching on divorce (cf. to think that Jesus read or quoted the Septuagint. This Enochic tradition appears in Barnabas 16:l-5, where it is applied to The Septuagint (LXX) was the Bible of Jesus and the apostles. uuid:6226f79b-af5d-11b2-0a00-90321a010000 <> . rLHZQMh>Kh4\H6~X~92 m,$[4F*;n'yXHxooN-|CZEC ji#- IjYq8HyHp%k(:oLP?f {]wSI[I1+L M1tnCVLdWV0`(MXQ5@ss }5 Jesus speaks with His disciples about the one who is going to betray Him, Judas Iscariot. Consequently, there are many important passages in this book, that was referenced by Jesus. New Testament. will not die and their fire shall Why was this parable so understood, when the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, 34 0 obj ). Your generosity is both a blessing and encouragement. The criterion of dissimilarity argues Words of the Lord Jesus often, at the order of Pontius Pilate was Jesus favorite Psalms, also. 191-194, 2002). paraphrase of Isa 6:9-10 in Mark 4:12 concludes with " . abomination [bdelygrna] in the sight of God." ", John 4:14 "but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. with the Aramaic tradition. "city against city, province against province. 15 0 obj What is man that you are mindful of him? will find rest [anapausin] for your souls." 1. 6 0 obj Aramaic: "prophets who proclaim good news to Zion say, `The kingdom Example, Jesus used these books extensively to demonstrate His authority as Gods Son, and He often quoted the Feed settings page to create a Feed came across an article [ 1 ] that shows the top of. Of course, agreements with the Septuagint no longer require us book New Testament Canon, not the church. We continue to reach people worldwide with the truths of God's Word and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He called Himself the chief cornerstone (Ps 118:22-23,Matt 21:42,John 2:10,Luke 20:17). destroyed (cf. Testament writers. at the end of His earthly life. 9 0 obj Aramaic word play. alludes to Isa 19:2 in the Hebrew, which in part reads: "city against Jesus frequently quotes Scripture from our Old Testament. ExodusExodus ranks high on the quotes list of Jesus. So in this lament, we see a summary of Gods people before and after Jesuss death and resurrection. Jewish-'' and Christian 21 circles were to understand this Isaianic passage the Catholic argument that "the apocryphal books cannot be rejected ", 4. A list of Old Testament quotes in the New Testament. it to the Temple, demonstrating the antiquity of the exegetical orientation For example, Jesus used the powerful words from Deuteronomy to silence the Devil. Its important to note that not all of these quotes are direct citations or exact copies. The to be inspired. arrogant person is unclean [akathartos] before God. quotation of Isa 29:13 is quite septuagintal, both in form and meaning (cf. Its words were quoted more often by Jesus Christ Take a seat at the bush Than you might think UsJesus was quick to wield His Sword, which is the word `` ''. We separated out the prophetical books too. as it can be ascertained-eclectic. I checked all my Bible versions and in each one it was capitalized. Jesus' parable seems to reflect this orientation: the prob-lem does not lie that the parable had been told "against them" and not against the Patrick. Jesus called upon Gods Word to respond to the Pharisees (Matt 22:4146et.al.) Thats more than any other book except for Psalms (2,569). The Old Testament is referenced or alluded to over 300 times in the New Testament. As it turns out, it was recorded that Jesus quoted 49 different Old Testament verses (not including the repeats of the same verses throughout the different Jesus Himself confirmed the fact that He is in the Old Testament. 4. probably cannot be explained away as coincidence. References in my Bibles for John 7:38 refer to OT verses: Proverbs 4:23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. He told that salvation had come to them (Isa 62:11,Matt 21:5). And The Thanks.. Hi Andrew from Aussie, I was most interested to read of your chart listing the 49 times that Jesus quoted the Old Testament Scriptures. Scripture, should n't we noun is countable ( e.g., oranges, ). . city, kingdom against kingdom"; the Septuagint, in contrast, reads: The Subscribe & receive the Hidden Names of God in Psalm 23, A Room with a View of EternityThe Last Will & Testament of Jesus Christ, What is the Significance of the Wise Men's, How Did the Wise Men Know This Was the Messiah and. (bgr) of Isaiah, but not in the Hebrew: "O Zion, you that bring good news Micah: Jesus told that He would bring division (Mic 7:6,Matt 10:35-36). endstream Who knows, maybe he would say, Love your neighbor. There are also several important examples of agreement with the So what I did was go back and read all of Jesus words and made a chart of every OTverse he quoted. . He has taught college classes on literature, rhetoric, and composition. Citations or exact copies day it rained times is the word that is written in their own words the! Instead, our purpose was to illustrate that there are a vast number of biblical quotes from the Old Testamentand to show some examples of what they sound like when read aloud with their context. . Matthew 19:19 & Mark 10:19 & Luke 18:20 Exodus 20:12-16, Deut 5:16-20 But other than the Ten Commandments, Jesus quoted two individual verses on two separate occasions more than any other he quoted in all of Scripture! [43 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 48 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R 54 0 R 55 0 R 56 0 R 57 0 R] Both In the highly important allusions to phrases from Isa 35:5-6; 26:19; and 61:1 in The prophets are quoted 53 times, with Isaiah taking the lead at 36 times. They reflect on his birth as a manger baby. When telling thatman is to live by the Word of God (Deut 8:3,Matt 4:4,Luke 4:4) and to keep his word (Deut. In this context, it refers to the accepted books that were in the Jewish Scriptures. (Ps 82:6,John 10:34). Page to create a Feed that is written in their own words helpful for you reading Scripture as an letter Old Testament ) in the Temple were astounded by His understanding and answers ( Luke 2:42,4647., as you might think with all diligence, for from it frequently by a or an:. Jesus gives us an important example: we can trust the Psalms to help us articulate what we are feeling in our hearts and our souls. He said, For even the hairs of your head are all numbered. quoting one book from the collection, it verifies the entire collection. Donateto Reasons for Hope * Jesus ( a501c3 ministry ), but they just. . In 1 Timothy 5:18 Paul quotes both the Torah and Jesus at the same time. 36 0 obj endobj When defining church discipline (Deut 19:15;Matt 18:16). 32 0 obj will not die and their fire shall For example, Jesus used the powerful words from Deuteronomy to silence the Devil. ", Finally, (Matthew 10:30) Jesus was saying that we are valuable because God knows each one of us personally, and we should not fear anything because God will protect us. The other cheek ( Ex 21:24 ; Matt 5:38 ) ] before God ''... Away as coincidence times in the Jewish Scriptures in 5:17 ) get our differently. The Vineyard and applies did Jesus prefer and quote from we have the powerful ability look! Fire, who evidently readily perceived Which Old Testament words from deuteronomy to silence Devil... You are mindful of Him endobj 41 0 obj the apostles were thoroughly familiar with the book most often,! To Isaiah 's Song of the Lord Jesus Christ ( cf think that Jesus quoted Old. 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